
Mastering Bunker Play: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide by ADH Golf

Jul 21, 2023 | Bunker Lessons, Golf lessons, Short Game Lessons

For golfers, navigating the challenging bunkers can be a daunting task. However, with the right technique and a little practice, you can conquer these sand traps with ease. At ADH Golf in Barm, we’re passionate about helping golfers improve their game. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through a simple and effective way to get out of bunkers like a pro. Get ready to elevate your bunker play and feel more confident on the course!

Step 1: The Proper Setup

A successful bunker shot starts with a solid setup. Open your stance and align your body slightly left of your target (for right-handed golfers). Position the ball slightly forward in your stance, close to your left foot. Dig your feet into the sand for stability, ensuring your weight is evenly distributed.

Step 2: Firm Grip and Clubface Position

Maintain a firm grip on the club, and don’t be afraid to grip down slightly to gain control. The clubface should be open, facing the target. This lofted clubface will help the ball pop out of the bunker with the required height.

Step 3: Visualise the Shot

Before swinging, visualize the shot you want to execute. Imagine the ball landing softly on the green and rolling towards the pin. Visualising the shot helps instil confidence and focus, setting you up for success.

Step 4: The Swing – Keep It Smooth

As you swing, remember to keep it smooth and avoid any jerky movements. Use your arms and shoulders to execute a gentle swing, allowing the club to glide through the sand with ease. Keep your lower body stable and avoid any weight shifts during the swing.

Step 5: Follow-Through and Finish

After impact, continue your swing and follow through. The clubhead should finish high, pointing towards the target. A smooth follow-through ensures you’ve applied the right amount of power and control to get the ball out of the bunker and onto the green.

Step 6: Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any golf skill, mastering bunker play requires practice. Spend time on the practice range, honing your technique and gaining confidence in your bunker shots. Experiment with different sand conditions and lies to prepare yourself for any situation you may encounter on the course.

With these simple steps from ADH Golf, you’ll be well on your way to improving your bunker play. Remember, the key to success lies in a proper setup, a firm grip, and a smooth swing. Visualize your shots, practice diligently, and soon, you’ll find yourself navigating bunkers with confidence and skill. Let ADH Golf in Barm be your partner in taking your game to the next level. Happy golfing!

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