golf lessons

Your Golf Game: Lessons and Practical Tips

Jul 15, 2023 | Driver Lessons, Golf lessons, Putting Lessons, Short Game Lessons, Short Iron Lessons

As a golfer, you know that a good golf teacher can distinguish between a swing and a miss or a sweet connection with the ball.

At ADH Golf, expert Golf Coach Alan Hope offers the kind of golf instruction that improves your game, whether you’re a beginner, junior, intermediate or advanced player.

The Importance of Golf Lessons

Golf lessons can revolutionise your game. They are where skills are shaped and refined.

Essential Golf Skills to Master

Mastering the grip, stance, swing, and putting is critical to a good golf game.

The Grip

A good grip is the primary connection between you and your golf club. Alan Hope, our top-rated golf coach, advises maintaining a firm, yet relaxed grip.

The Stance

A balanced golf stance gives you the foundation for a controlled swing.

The Swing

Achieving a controlled swing involves a blend of body rotation and arm motion.


The putting green is where scores can drastically fluctuate. Precision and focus are essential, a lesson one of our advanced players learned first-hand. After putting lessons with Alan, focusing on stroke techniques and green-reading, they transformed their short game, reducing the number of 3-putts dramatically.

The Mental Aspect of Golf

Golf is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. A positive mindset, focus, and resilience are paramount.

Customised Training vs. Self-Learning

While self-learning has merits, personalised lessons with a golf teacher can target your specific needs and help you improve faster.

Every golfer, no matter their level, can improve. With professional golf instruction from an experienced golf coach like Alan, you can make incredible strides in your game.

About Alan Hope

Alan Hope is a high-quality golf teacher with a wealth of experience in golf instruction. His adaptive teaching style and dedication to improving his students’ games have resulted in many golfers significantly lowering their handicaps.

At ADH Golf, Alan utilises both traditional and innovative teaching methods to offer the highest standard of golf instruction.

Every golfer, no matter their level, can improve. With professional golf instruction from ADH Golf, you can make incredible strides in your game.

Book a lesson with Alan Hope at ADH Golf today on: 07845 341 452, and begin your journey to better golf.


ADH Golf Lesson Update

ADH Golf Lesson Update

Join us in celebrating Zak’s remarkable golf journey at ADH Golf, Yarm. From perfecting his swing to achieving stunning drives, Zak’s story is a testament to the power of dedication and expert coaching. Be inspired and start your own golfing adventure today at YDR Yarm Driving Range with Alan Hope’s expert guidance.

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To Ground or to Hover: Setting Up Your Driver the Right Way

To Ground or to Hover: Setting Up Your Driver the Right Way

Grounding or hovering the driver has long been a topic of debate among golf enthusiasts. In our latest blog post, we delve deep into the pros and cons of each method, helping you understand which approach can enhance your game. Spoiler alert: grounding might just have the upper hand. Find out why in the full post and learn how you can perfect your technique with expert guidance from ADH Golf.

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